
SoundPlus Riavvio richiesto

SoundPlus customizes the sound that is played when a new message arrives for a particular contact in the address book, similar to mobile phones. There is also a variation that is played when a message arrives and it is a continuation of a thread.

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7 utenti

Display Contact Photo Riavvio richiesto

Mostra la foto del mittente, o del destinatario, nelle intestazioni del messaggio. Supporta immagini locali, le 'Face' e i gravatar. L'estensione dispone di foto predefinite e permette di applicare numerosi stili alle foto.

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9 utenti

Scan'Mail Riavvio richiesto

Scan'Mail is a QR Code generator that allows you to transfer easily information from your mail client to your mobile phone.

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57 utenti