

Cifratura dei messaggi OpenPGP e autenticazione per Thunderbird.

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4.805 utenti

Manually sort folders

Permette di ordinare manualmente sia gli account che le relative cartelle nel pannello laterale tramite la finestra delle impostazioni accedendovi selezionando il menu principale di Thunderbird "Strumenti -> Impostazioni di Manually sort folders…"

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (621)
15.841 utenti

Addressbooks Synchronizer

Synchronizes selected addressbooks with other instances of thunderbird
using local files, webdav servers or imap servers

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27.264 utenti

Signal Spam

Ajoute une fonction pour signaler, en un clic, les e-mails que vous considérez comme indésirables ou frauduleux à Signal Spam.
L'extension vous alerte si vous consultez un e-mail contenant des liens vers un site répertorié comme frauduleux.

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16.625 utenti



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23.750 utenti

AutoarchiveReloaded Consigliati

Archiviert E-Mails automatisch (Verbesserte Version vom "Autoarchive" Add-on)

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (25)
24.695 utenti

Grammalecte [fr] (for Thunderbird)

Correcteur grammatical dédié à la langue française. Inclus : conjugueur, formateur de texte et dictionnaires orthographiques.

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6.593 utenti


This Extension implements the ManageSieve protocol for securely managing Sieve Script on a remote IMAP server...

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (49)
607 utenti

G-Hub Lite

Google Tabs for Thunderbird! G-Hub Lite supports Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Search, & Voice. Need Google Workspace support (formerly G Suite)? Check out G-Hub Pro: https://www.schiffner.com/index.php/software/g-hub-pro

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4.087 utenti

CardDAV Browser

A utility to browse vCards stored on a CardDAV server.

This version is only for Thunderbird. There is a SeaMonkey version available if needed.

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384 utenti

Lightning Invitation Notifier | LIN

This extension is an extension to Mozilla Lightning for Thunderbird.
It shows a toast message and opens the invitations window when an invitation arrives.

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2.080 utenti

Google Keep Tab

Adds a button to open Google Keep in a new Tab

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4.583 utenti


Remove the ">" prefix from quote when you make a reply.

[Source code] https://github.com/isshiki/ReFwdFormatter

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (15)
2.342 utenti

Windows Taskbar Unread Badge

Put an unread mail count badge on the Thunderbird icon in the Windows taskbar.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (43)
501 utenti

List Addons in Windows' Programs

List addons in Windows' "Add or Remove Programs".

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle (1)
12.019 utenti



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751 utenti


WarnAttachment mostra una finestra di dialogo chiedendo conferma dell'apertura di allegati potenzialmente dannosi. Alcuni allegati come eseguibili ecc. vengono bloccati. Questo riduce il rischio di malware, in particolare per gli utenti inesperti.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle (10)
3.223 utenti

Unmangle Microsoft ATP Safelinks

Users of outlook.com and o365 who have Advanced Thread Protection enabled will have all URL's in emails changed to redirect them to an Microsoft filter before opening. This is a bad idea.

This plugin will change the URL back to the original value.

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744 utenti

EuropeanMX Spam Reporter

Train your EuropeanMX filter by reporting unrecognized spam back to us.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle (3)
223 utenti


Permette di effettuare chiamate direttamente dalla rubrica di Thunderbird

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle (14)
166 utenti