
Nautipolis for Thunderbird Riavvio richiesto

Nautipolis for Thunderbird: High-quality, solid theme based on icons from art.gnome.org.
Supports Thunderbird versions 53.0 to 60.0. From version 61.0, Thunderbird will drop support for full custom themes.

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29 utenti

Littlebird for Thunderbird Riavvio richiesto

Littlebird for Thunderbird, based on icons from art.gnome.org. Supports Thunderbird versions 53.0 to 60.0. From version 61.0, Thunderbird will drop support for full custom themes.

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3 utenti

Monterail Dark Riavvio richiesto

Monterail Dark, a Thunderbird theme inspired by the mockup of Monterail

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4 utenti

Monterail Full Dark Riavvio richiesto

Monterail Full Dark, a Thunderbird theme inspired by the mockup of Monterail

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19 utenti