
Mail Merge

Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft

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Invia Dopo

Vera funzionalità “Invia Dopo” per Thunderbird che consente di programmare l'orario di invio dei messaggi di posta elettronica

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102.550 utenti

Thunderbird Conversations Consigliati

Permette di visualizzare le e-mail sotto forma di conversazioni, inclusi tooltip dei contatti, anteprime degli allegati, risposta (in linea) rapida, integrazione con altre estensioni e molto altro.

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27.063 utenti

Signature Switch

Switch the signature on/off or choose a new one from your predefined set.

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52.449 utenti


Add emojis to your e-mails.

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24.615 utenti

Addressbooks Synchronizer

Synchronizes selected addressbooks with other instances of thunderbird
using local files, webdav servers or imap servers

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24.963 utenti

Check and Send

Check the message contents and addresses before you send the message...

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20.901 utenti



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Automatic Dictionary

Remembers the language you use with a person or group of people, and switches the spellchecker language automatically for you next time. You do not have to do it manually any more. It remembers and switches it for you.

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3.637 utenti

AutoarchiveReloaded Consigliati

Archiviert E-Mails automatisch (Verbesserte Version vom "Autoarchive" Add-on)

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23.298 utenti


Confirm mail address and attachments based on flexible rules.

(This project was renamed from "Flex Confirm Mail" to "FlexConfirmMail", due to a branding reason.)

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22.253 utenti

Grammalecte [fr] (for Thunderbird)

Correcteur grammatical dédié à la langue française. Inclus : conjugueur, formateur de texte et dictionnaires orthographiques.

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6.315 utenti

Allow HTML Temp

Allows to have HTML temporarily enabled (and displayed) in the currently selected message by only one click. When switching to another message, it'll be shown automatically again in plain text or simple html mode (according to your settings).

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10.466 utenti

G-Hub Lite

Google Tabs for Thunderbird! G-Hub Lite supports Calendar, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Maps, Search, & Voice. Need Google Workspace support (formerly G Suite)? Check out G-Hub Pro: https://www.schiffner.com/index.php/software/g-hub-pro

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Category manager for Thunderbird contacts, also allows to send an email to all members of a category (categories can be used as contact groups).

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CardDAV Browser

A utility to browse vCards stored on a CardDAV server.

This version is only for Thunderbird. There is a SeaMonkey version available if needed.

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361 utenti

Edit Email Subject (EES)

This module allows you to change/edit email subjects

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8.081 utenti

Google Keep Tab

Adds a button to open Google Keep in a new Tab

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4.373 utenti

Identity Chooser

Identity Chooser helps you to always use the correct identity when composing a new email.

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6.075 utenti

Attach from Clipboard

Create file attachments directly from the system clipboard.

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6.207 utenti