
Extract 'Em! Consigliati

Extracts attachments from messages within an account or folder, with the option to select specific attachments. Extracted attachments are saved to a .zip file.

NOTICE: Version 1.1.4 of Extract 'Em! is defective, please replace with 1.1.2 or 1.2.1

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2.080 utenti

Get All Senders

This add-on retrieves all the senders associated with the emails in this mailbox and stores them in your clipboard.
For more information and to report an issue, please visit the project home page at https://github.com/CicadaCinema/get-all-senders .

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle (5)
305 utenti

Export to ZIP

Export your mails and folders to a zip file!

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle (12)
1.960 utenti