
DuckDuckGo (HTTPS / SSL)

DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (HTTPS / SSL version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!

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2.164 download settimanali

NoRedirect Riavvio richiesto

NoRedirect lets the user take control of HTTP redirects. It can be used to interdict an ISP's DNS search redirection hijacks, preview/screen "shortened" URLs (e.g., TinyURL), stop the annoying redirection of "smart" error pages, etc.

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5 utenti

RequestPolicy Riavvio richiesto

Be in control of which cross-site requests are allowed. Improve the privacy of your browsing by not letting other sites know your browsing habits. Secure yourself from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and other attacks.

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10 utenti

Proxy Privacy Ruler

Restrict Proxy by Private Windows, Tabs and Domain List

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23 utenti

YesScript Riavvio richiesto

Permette di gestire una lista di siti non autorizzati ad eseguire JavaScript

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34 utenti

Redirect Bypasser

Avoid redirects and has direct access to the sites you want to visit.

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7 utenti

QuickPasswords Riavvio richiesto

QuickPasswords consente il rapido trasferimento delle password dal Password Manager al blocco degli appunti e alla pagina di accesso ad un sito. In tal modo non è più necessario visualizzarle!

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40 utenti

Offsec Exploit-db Search

This plugin lets you search on Offsec Exploit archive - http://exploit-db.com. Offsec Exploit archive, also known as Explo.it, is the replacement of Milw0rm archive.

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83 download settimanali

Cookies Exterminator

Auto delete cookies, localStorage and IndexedDB objects as soon as they become unused

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131 utenti


Inserisci MD5/SHA1/SHA256, per ottenere il report di oltre 46 antivirus.
( Potrebbe interessarti anche questo add https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/kasperskyadvisor?src=external-Virustotal )

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70 download settimanali

Certificate Patrol Riavvio richiesto

Il tuo web browser ha molta fiducia per tante autorita` e sub-autorita` di certificazione. Questo add-on ti permette di monitorare tutti gli aggiornamenti di certificati, anche quelli considerati legittimi che normalmente accadono in silenzio.

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4 utenti

Export All Certificates Riavvio richiesto

Adds an option to export all root certificates.

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1 utente

SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities search plugin

This plugin lets you search on Security Focus Vulnerabilities.

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53 download settimanali

Fox Web Security Riavvio richiesto

Protezione da contenuti per adulti (controllo parentale) e da siti pericolosi.
Affida la protezione per voi e i vostri figli ai professionisti!

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1 utente

KeePass Helper Riavvio richiesto

Adds a hostname, URL, or email account ID to the application's window name (e.g., that of Firefox or Thunderbird) to make it recognizable to password manager utilities like KeePass.

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9 utenti

Remember Mismatched Domains Riavvio richiesto

The Remember Mismatched Domains extension for Firefox and Thunderbird adds a "Don't warn me again about this certificate for this domain" checkbox to the Domain Mismatch and Expired Certificate warning windows. When selected the domain...

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1 utente

Packet Storm search plugin.

This plugin lets you search on Packet Storm - www.packetstormsecurity.org - database. Packet Storm offers an abundant resource of up-to-date and historical security tools, exploits, and advisories.

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Automatically apply settings recommended by security and privacy experts.

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0 utenti

Snort IDS Rule Search

Search for Snort IDS Rules

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34 download settimanali

CipherFox Riavvio richiesto

Displays the current SSL/TLS cipher, protocol and certificate chain in the Add-on bar and Site ID dialog

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2 utenti