
Google Image URL Search Engine

Usage: Of the Image you want to see similar versions enter the entire link https://... to the search bar and select this engine.

This is a google image search as a search engine add-on, NOT AN EXTENSION.
Limited features but way higher safety.

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Search for royalty-free images on Shutterstock

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Flickr Commercial Use Allowed (Search Engine)

This extension installs Flickr's search engine in the browser and allows to look up for images licensed free of charge for commercial use (Creative Commons) directly form the search bar.

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AlltheWeb Pictures

AlltheWeb image search

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Desktop Wallpapers fast search

Search free desktop wallpapers on 20+ popular wallpapers websites

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Pixabay (Search Engine)

This extension installs Pixabay's search engine in the browser and allows to look up for Public Domain / Creative Commons CC0 photos directly form the search bar using a SSL/TLS encrypted connection.

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Pixmac Search

Search royalty free stock photos in Pixmac.com picture market!

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Google search with images from the page aside of the results.

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Realtime Twitter Picture Search Engine - Real time pic search of Twitpic, yFrog, flickr photos and more!

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Celebrity-Pix forum search

Great celebrity forum search tool for finding HQ pictures of all your favourite celebrities

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