
SeaMonkey Vertical Tab Bar Riavvio richiesto

Tab bar on the side of the window for SeaMonkey.

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16 utenti

Flexible Sidebar

Flexible Sidebar allows to change sidebar width by dragging the handles.

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8 utenti

Fierr Riavvio richiesto

Replaces the error page with a more stylish appearance with additional features.

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Show History Popup

При нажатии средней кнопки или прокрутке колесика мышки показывает всплывающее окно истории в строке адреса и поиска.

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2 utenti

MinimizeToTray Reanimated Riavvio richiesto

MinimizeToTray Reanimated is an application mainly dedicated to Thunderbird to allow its minimization in the systray in one click. It is the update of MinimizeToTray Revived, which is not maintained anymore since the recent versions of Thunderbird.

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857 utenti

GNOMErunner Options Riavvio richiesto

Allows to customize GNOMErunner theme

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82 utenti

Metal Lion Image Saver Riavvio richiesto

Single-click access to common actions for images (e.g. saving, copying, printing)

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8 utenti