
Facebook Search

Facebook Search without logging in! Search Facebook Messages, People, Applications, Music, Video, Groups etc. For more it allows one to search for specific texts on the walls of Facebook subscribers en masse. Make your keyword search around Facebook!

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Social - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Social - The #1 Social Search Add-on

Search: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, Vine, Flickr, Twitch

(with SSL suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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Google+ (SSL)

Google+ is a social network created by Google. This search bar add-on utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and Google+.

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ONCEI (alpha)

New SearchEngine, New Innovation !
Moteur de recherche crée par la Société Francophone : DNA CORPORATE (SAS)
Nous n'utilisons pas d'API, ni des services d'autres sociétés externes, tout nos résultats sont dans notre base de données.

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Myspace Search

Search Myspace Comments, People, Applications, Music, Video, Groups etc.

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SearchGBY Search

This is a small addition to our other plugin
Our original plugin enhances google directly within browser
Please check above plugin as well
Search Google Bing Yahoo ,filter duplicates.

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Find on Google+ 1.0

Find on Google+ is a search plugin for the Firefox search bar. You can search for Google+ content and people without opening the Google+ website first.

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Google+ - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Google+ - The #1 Google+ Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Google+."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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Use Google SSL to search Google+ posts
This Opensearch plugin is faster and uses less bandwidth than the default Google+ search plugin which uses a lot of images.
Includes Google Suggestions (wowee).

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Google Webmaster Forum IT

Cerca nel Forum Webmaster Google in Italiano con Firefox

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Google Plus Search

Google Plus Search without logging in.

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Google+ Search

Motore di ricerca per Firefox per utilizzare la ricerca di Google+

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Wyszukiwarka | sequere.eu - Polska wyszukiwarka Internetowa

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Web Search optimized for TeacherTube.com

Google Search optimized for TeacherTube.com.

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Worldwide english Google results (Language: EN). Includes quicksearch: mark a word on any website, right mouse click, search!

With this you can do a Google search and get the results by language instead of by country.
You can search the entire english-speaking internet & find english websites worldwide.
Includes quicksearch: mark a word on any website, right mouseclick, go!

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