
Eccellio Web - Search Engine

Eccellio Web is a faceting Search Engine based on Google. Eccellio is a collection of specialized Search Engines focused on different topics, like Science, Movies, Arts and Sports.

It's Google simplicity with one additional single click.

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Search Plus for Amazon (US)

Search Amazon.com with suggestions and helpful features.

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Amazon JP search

Amazon JP search plugin. Searches on the Japanese Amazon website.

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Best Buy Canada Search

Search Best Buy Canada\'s official website.

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Amazon ca

Amazon ca search plugin. Searches on the Canadian Amazon website.

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Amazon ES search

Amazon ES search plugin searches on the Spanish Amazon website.

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Amazon at

Amazon Austria search add-on

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goHastings.com Search Engine

Search goHastings.com for books, movies, music, electronics, video games, trendy items and more!

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Amazon UK search with suggestions

Amazon CO.UK search with search suggestions

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Amazon Germany (Deutschland)

Amazon ger search add-on searches on the German Amazon website

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