
VKontakte.ru Downloader (music/videos/photos @ VK) Riavvio richiesto

Download music, videos and photos from VK.com / vkontakte.ru. One-click download, natural filenames, displaying file size and bitrate for music, downloading HD video, downloading HQ photos. No spam, no usage of your account, no spyware.

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Вебмастер SAPE Riavvio richiesto

Дополнительная панель инструментов Firefox содержит набор функций, расширяющих возможности вебмастеров и оптимизаторов при работе в интерфейсе биржи SAPE.

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Youtube Downloader Gold

This extension to download audio and video from popular video hosting YouTube. To download the available formats mp4, webm, mp4a, mp3.

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IP Flager

Shows country flag for the website in the location bar.

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DSLR Notifier 2

Updated version of the original DSLR Notifier, created by Ryan Flint, which enables members of Dsl/Broadbandreports.com to keep tabs on their instant messages and updated...

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Serenatas For You

En 4 pasos envía la serenata, sencillo, seguro y rápido.

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GaiaFormat Riavvio richiesto

An enhanced text formatter for GaiaOnline Forums, Private Messages, Guilds, and Profile comments.

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Shop Companion

Access to full-resolution product images and videos on various shopping sites is easy with this add-on. It adds links to the largest/xxl/best-size version of product images on various shoppings sites.

Open-source code on github.com/ShopCompanion

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