
VKontakte.ru Downloader (music/videos/photos @ VK) Riavvio richiesto

Download music, videos and photos from VK.com / vkontakte.ru. One-click download, natural filenames, displaying file size and bitrate for music, downloading HD video, downloading HQ photos. No spam, no usage of your account, no spyware.

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4 utenti

Zindus Riavvio richiesto

Sincronizzazione della rubrica con Google e Zimbra per Thunderbird.

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23 utenti

Gmail Manager Riavvio richiesto

The original Gmail notifier for multiple accounts. Allows you to receive new mail notifications along with viewing account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.

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FoxGame Riavvio richiesto

Enhance user experience with OGame.

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Orkut Toolbar Riavvio richiesto

Orkut Toolbar helps you to format the text of your posts in the Orkut forums, easily access all common functions of orkut, create and manage custom signatures and insert and view images and flash movies in orkut posts and scraps.

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YouTube Videos Download in one click Riavvio richiesto

Download YouTube videos by clicking a button underneath videos in YouTube. Save YouTube videos and songs in 1080p (HD) MP4 or FLV format.

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4 utenti

Super Mario Cross Riavvio richiesto

The legendary arcade game that has survived the ages and can still be found today in modern arcades. You may have played this game when you were a kid and want to have a bit of fun remembering what it was like.

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1 utente

GaiaFormat Riavvio richiesto

An enhanced text formatter for GaiaOnline Forums, Private Messages, Guilds, and Profile comments.

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1 utente

log2stas LiveJournal Add-on Riavvio richiesto

a) Auto-expand comments threads b) Copy a fragment of text or link to a picture to LJ editor from other pages. c) Simplify use of lj-cut d) Allow quickly switch between anonymous and normal browsing.

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1 utente

Gfire WebGame Detection Plugin Riavvio richiesto

This extension tells Xfire and Gfire about the webgame you currently play.

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NDselector Riavvio richiesto

Selector paginas Noticiero Digital y Aporrea

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No LDS Footnote Letters Riavvio richiesto

Removes only the superscript letters of the footnotes but leaves the links in the scriptures at lds.org

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1 utente

LinkedTop Helper Riavvio richiesto

Helper for working with LinkedTop.

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2 utenti