Riwayat Versi Armenian spell checker dictionary

6 versi

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Versi 0.34.1webext 196.4 KiB

Versi 0.34 197.2 KiB

Minor updates:
Compatibility with newer versions of Thunderbird and localized description for ru-RU.

Versi 0.33 197.5 KiB

Installs without requiring restart (bootstrapped extension).
Significant cleanup with about 2000 words removed.
About 500 new words and word forms added.
Other enhancements and tweaks.

Versi 0.32 198.0 KiB

Armenian spell checker dictionary consist of 47899 words.
new version include updated wordlist with prefix /affix dictionary.
Author: Andranik Markosyan
original wordlist also by Arthur Serkis.
Changes from previous version done by Aleksey Chalabyan a.k.a. Xelgen . These changes include : Cleanup and converting from simple wordlist to prefix/affix based dictionary. Removing words written with old orphography. Some minor additions to wordlist

Versi 0.31 198.0 KiB

Armenian spell checker dictionary consist of 47899 words.
new version include updated wordlist with prefix /affix dictionary.
Author: Andranik Markosyan
original wordlist also by Arthur Serkis.
Changes from previous version done by Aleksey Chalabyan a.k.a. Xelgen . These changes include : Cleanup and converting from simple wordlist to prefix/affix based dictionary. Removing words written with old orphography. Some minor additions to wordlist

Versi 0.2 444.0 KiB

Added support for Firefox 4, 129833 words