Darko verziótörténete

10 verzió

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3.7 verzió 3.5 MiB Működik Thunderbird 115.0 és frissebbek

Version 3.7:
- fixed the white flash when opening emails - by using the brand new "runAt" feature (Thank you John for implementing it!). However, it's currently only for Thunderbird Beta - normal users will see the change only once Thunderbird 128 is released - around August/September 2024.
- fixed white flash when opening Options page
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3.6 verzió 3.4 MiB Működik Thunderbird 102.0 és frissebbek

- fixed emails with "background-image: none" style
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3.5 verzió 3.4 MiB Működik Thunderbird 102.0 és frissebbek

- fixed bad background-based images invert
- removed option to re-invert images and to set image contrast (it was too hard to maintain and probably not used much)
- updated libs
- moved strict min version to 102.0 (current ESR)
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3.4 verzió 3.4 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

- fixed wrong hue rotate, it should be 180deg (I was off by 10deg :o)
- fixed Darko in Thunderbird Daily 100+ version, now we revert "body", not "html" (I have no idea why, but it works)
- updated libs
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3.3 verzió 4.6 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

- "Disable Darko for this sender" is now a "toggle" - click to re-enable for current sender
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3.2 verzió 4.6 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

- Darko is now automatically disabled when printing emails
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3.1 verzió 4.6 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

- fixed broken ON/OFF switch
- fixed broken icon for excluded senders emails
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3.0 verzió 4.6 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

Version 3.0:
- adds new "messageRead" permission to allow reading the senders email address (for the excluded list)
- now you can exclude specific sender from applying dark theme (for example Steam sends already dark emails)
- added context menu "Disable Darko for this sender"
- upgraded the bundler to use Webpack 5 for smaller, faster build!
- fixed dark mode toggle in the new Thunderbird 91 caused by bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1722065
- darko can be now disabled with ".no-darko" class on html tag
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2.0 verzió 4.6 MiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

- added Options page
- added Scheduler! Now you can schedule dark mode for the night only!
- images are now by default NOT inverted
- added option to change image contrast
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1.0 verzió 3.5 KiB Működik Thunderbird 78.4.0 és frissebbek

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