További Film és TV téma


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Rebuild of Evangelion - Asuka - Animated

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Buso Renkin Tokiko Tsumura

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Összes téma megtekintése: Film és TV

További persona ettől az alkotótól

Plasma Microscope

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John & Aeryn from Farscape

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Battlestar Galactica The Fleet

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Az alkotó összes témájának megjelenítése


AMAZING theme! I love almost everything about your creation but I would love it EVEN more if you could possibly make a second edition. Please could you just take out the standing figures and put them on the left side? That way I can have MORE of the great head shots of the squad characters atop my screen. Currently the last two skulls are cut off. Lots of developers come out with a "Version 2" and since you've been so successful with this first animation edition of Suicide Squad, the next one may be even MORE popular! Especially with us S.S. super fans, eh? Should be an easy fix...... to simply move the figures around to the other side? I hope you can do it and shall anxiously wait for your next skull Squad issue! Thanks and keep up the great work.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből készítette: C.R.McL., okt. 27, 2016

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