Firefox user 87b222

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Eolas le haghaidh Forbróirí
Ainm Firefox user 87b222
Úsáideoir ó Márta 29, 2023
Líon na mbreiseán 0 breiseán
Meánrátáil ar bhreiseáin an fhorbróra seo Gan rátáil fós

Mo Chuid Léirmheasanna


Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Unfortunately, it only works with restrictions and probably only for users who only manage one or two mail accounts with very few emails. Because if there are (significantly) more accounts and emails, QNote needs up to 45 seconds until the corresponding marking for an email appears if you have marked the corresponding email with the mouse.
Independent of this and probably related to the first problem is the fact that you cannot tell from a list of emails which email has a note.
Actually, a note is supposed to counteract human forgetfulness. But if I don't remember which email I left a note in and whether I left it at all, that's of very little use to me...

Reaction to answer 1:
Dear Martin,
I have no reason to complain. After all, you are providing it for free. Therefore, my text above should be seen as constructive criticism.
However, I see it from the user's perspective without any significant programming knowledge. For me as a user it is not clear why something does not work as expected. All I can say is that this is the case (for me).
However, I now use a similar product from a competitor. Although this cannot create an extra column due to the restrictions in TB115.x, But it does offer the option of setting a keyword and colored marking in parallel when creating a note so that I see a eMail with a note on the 1st view in a bunch of hundreds.
But what is much more important is that this competitor's product displays this note _immediately_ and without any noticeable delay when I click on an email with a note.

Léirmheas ar leagan níos sine den bhreiseán seo (0.12.5).