Léirmheasanna ar Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save le tikhenko
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
MAF unlike UnMHT...
1. Saves at least twice as fast.
2. Opens approximately twice as fast.
3. Reopen the file does not lead to a new reload.
4. Shows an original address of the page.
5. Slightly smaller size.
The comparison was made on the MHT format (page had size more than 10 MB).
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This is a wonderful addon that helped me to save the information. But, please, update it to the current vesrion SeaMonkey.
Léirmheas ar leagan níos sine den bhreiseán seo ( do bhailiúcháin féin a chruthú, ní mór cuntas Breiseáin Mozilla a bheith agat.