Chun triail a bhaint as na mílte breiseán ar fáil anseo, íoslódáil Mozilla Firefox, bealach tapa, saor in aisce leis an nGréasán a bhrabhsáil!
DúnFáilte go Breiseáin Firefox.
Choose from thousands of extra features and styles to make Firefox your own.
DúnLéirmheas ar View Dependencies le Diego Casorran
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I have been using this extension for ages, it works nearly great... only issue i had is that it doesn't seems to recognize certain dynamically loaded content such as some scripts... however, as others pointed, the recent issue with latest versions of Fx where the size is always unknown is a pity.
Chun do bhailiúcháin féin a chruthú, ní mór cuntas Breiseáin Mozilla a bheith agat.