Chun triail a bhaint as na mílte breiseán ar fáil anseo, íoslódáil Mozilla Firefox, bealach tapa, saor in aisce leis an nGréasán a bhrabhsáil!
DúnFáilte go Breiseáin Firefox.
Choose from thousands of extra features and styles to make Firefox your own.
DúnLéirmheas ar FxIF le fremea
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It seems it doesn't support e10s but since e10s is disabled on my profile, I couldn't say if it still properly works despite that.
I hope it will be compliant with future firefox release. I love it. Do you plan to update it?
Chun do bhailiúcháin féin a chruthú, ní mór cuntas Breiseáin Mozilla a bheith agat.