
À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom DarkAdams
Pays Hamburg Germany
Utilisateur depuis oct. 21, 2015
Nombre de modules développés 36 thèmes
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

En détails…

I really love Image-editing - it´s like build up Dreams... anyway, most of my Themes are made without any... It´s Photography just cuted for the Firefox Theme Format... You will find them with "No Gimp" or "No Photoshop" in the Pictures Tags - all these are available as Wallpaper too... just contact me...

For me it is a hard experience making some Pictures for this unusual Format. It´s exciting to fill this overlong Themebar with life... I realy enjoy this work. I would be happy if you enjoy my work too and thank you so much, for let me know what you´re thinking about it...

Try the easy using Firefox Add-on "Personas Expression" by Eddie´s. You can choose a more transparent foreground and many things you will probably like as well...

First I tried making Themes for Firefox
Today I change the Firefoxstyle for the Themes...

This will be work with the fantastic Add-on "Classic Theme Restorer". It allows you to put every part of Firefox surround the foxus of you favorite Theme... It´s a bit tricky first... but if you understand how it works it will be done in seconds... Absolutly great... Many thanks for that...

Mes critiques

Squares by Tam Cocar

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this very much too...

Jewel Bar by Tam Cocar

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Sound Waving

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and so cool... very great...

Pink flower ombre

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Wolf Made of Snakes

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Standing Ovation for the Creator and you...