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FermerObtenir la carte de Thunderbird 102 0.6
par Rob Lemley
Bring back the "Get Map" button for contacts in Thunderbird 102
À propos de ce module
When clicked, the "Get Map" button will open the default web browser and display
a map of the associated contact's address.
This mail extension will request "full, unrestricted access to Thunderbird and
your computer". This is because mail extension "experiment" APIs are used to
add the button to when displaying a contact.
"Get Map" for Thunderbird does not collect or store any data aside from
your selected map provider.
OpenStreetMap and Google Maps have their own privacy policies. The address of
the contact will be sent encoded in the URL, along with other data as configured
in your default web browser.
Thunderbird 102 and 115 are supported.