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FermerHistorique de version de Private Tab
22 versions
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Version 0.2.3pre
[+] Added Dutch locale (nl), thanks to TonnesM (#268).
[+] Added Bulgarian locale (bg), thanks to Peyu Yovev (#270, #271, #272).
[+] Updated Arabic (ar) locale, thanks to tahani5.
[*] Better appearance of button after last tab in Firefox 57+ (for extensions.legacy.enabled = true, also introduced extensions.privateTab.fixAfterTabsButtonsAccessibility.force preference).
[*] Compatibility enhancements for Basilisk.
[x] Fixed generator function usage in Firefox 58+ (bug 1083482).
[x] Fixed string preferences in Firefox 58+ (bug 1414096).
[x] Fixed private protocol in Firefox 58+ (strange things with __defineGetter__(), nsIURI.spec is now read-only) (bug 1431204).
[x] Fixed inIDOMUtils usage in Firefox 59+, now used window.InspectorUtils (bug 1427419).
[x] Correctly handle first browser window in Firefox 60+ (browser.startup.blankWindow = true, thanks to Dumby) (bug 1336227).
[x] Fixed hotkeys hotkeys in Firefox 60+, added replacement for removed nsIDOMKeyEvent bug 1436508.
[x] Fixed accessing to DownloadsCommon.jsm internals in Firefox 57+.
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.2.2
[*] Toggle private state using tab duplication: try restore text in URL bar (#237).
[x] Fixed private protocol in Firefox 37-43 (caused by `nsIIOService.newChannelFromURIWithLoadInfo(…, null)` failure) (#247).
[*] Updated Indonesian (id) locale, thanks to Muhammad Anwari Ramadhan.
[x] Fixed ability to open new private tab in Firefox 54+ (with browser.newtab.preload = true) (#252).
[+] Added privateTab.replaceTabAndTogglePrivate() API.
[x] Fixed ability to open private:… URI in already opened tab (will be used workaround with tab duplication) (#251).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Don't toggle private state of not yet initialized tabs in Firefox 51+ to not break tab's contents: wait for loading and forbid too often toggle state calls (#237).
[x] Correctly remove wrappers for functions from another extensions like `window.TabScope._updateTitle()` in Firefox 45+ (now sandboxed, will used trick to get actual `window` object to store internal data).
[x] Correctly toggle private state with disabled multi-process mode in Firefox 51+ (#237, #241).
[x] Correctly toggle private state of pinned tabs in Firefox 51+ (now pinned state will be restored) (#237).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Don't save closed private tabs in undo close history after extension disabling (extensions.privateTab.rememberOwnerTab = true).
[x] Correctly toggle private state of already opened tabs in Firefox 51+: now used more robust way to wait for asynchronous tab duplication (#237).
[x] Correctly make tabs non-private after extension disabling in Firefox 51+.
[x] Fixed: fail to startup on new profile (ReferenceError: _log is not defined) (#240).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.2.1
[x] Correctly restore wrapper for `browser.swapDocShells()` to handle detached tabs in multi-process mode.
[*] Improved performance in multi-process mode (#234).
[*] Open all bookmarks: improved compatibility with other extensions like Tree Style Tab (extensions.privateTab.openPlacesInPrivateTabs.callNativeMenuItems preference).
[*] Improved memory usage in multi-process mode: now used shared content.jsm module for frame scripts (#235).
[+] Added privateTab.isTabPrivateAsync() API.
[x] Fixed compatibility with future Firefox versions: don't use Array generics like `Array.forEach()` (bug 1222547).
[x] Correctly open new private tab with preloaded about:newtab in Firefox 52+ (thanks to Dumby).
[x] Fixed ability to toggle tab private state in Firefox 51+, now will be used duplicated tab (#237).
[x] Fixed patcher around third-party wrappers (TypeError: Array is undefined) (thanks to Dumby).
[x] Fixed compatibility with future Firefox versions: don't use deprecated `Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat()` (bug 818634).
[+] Added privateTab.duplicateTabAndTogglePrivate() API.
[x] Workaround to ignore wrong `last-pb-context-exited` notification in multi-process mode (bug 1329912).
[x] Fixed ability to restore closed private tabs in multi-process mode (extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs preference) (#239).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.2.0
[*] Updated Portuguese (Portugal) locale (pt-PT), thanks to SW1FT (#210).
[x] Fixed private protocol in multi-process mode (#211).
[x] Some tweaks and fixes for multi-process mode (#162).
[*] Now used only one frame script for communications in multi-process mode (#213).
[x] Fixed possible recursion in wrapper for `tab.setAttribute("image", …)` (#214).
[x] Fixed compatibility with Firefox 51+ (SyntaxError: non-generator method definitions may not contain yield) (#228).
[x] Fixed detection of duplicated tabs as non-empty (#230).
[x] Correctly detect tab closing in Firefox 47+ (due to changes in `detail` property of `TabClose` event).
[x] Fixed missing tab favicons in multi-process mode (#224).
[+] Added Finnish locale (fi), thanks to hellojole (#226).
[*] Small internal enhancements and fixes.
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Correctly handle view source tabs (#204).
[x] Respect preference for image documents.
[x] Links loaded in new private tab becomes non-private (multi-process mode: Electrolysis aka e10s) (#202).
[x] Correctly update window title and private mode indication in multi-process mode.
[*] Updated French locale (fr), thanks to Charles Milette (#207).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.1.9
[x] Correctly handle drag and drop of tabs between private and non-private windows in Firefox 44+.
[+] Added support for user interface for tracking protection in Firefox 42+ (#196).
[x] Fixed: extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs may break undo close tab feature in some cases (#197).
[+] Added Portuguese (Portugal) locale (pt-PT), thanks to SW1FT (#199).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Fixed: extensions.privateTab.rememberClosedPrivateTabs may not work in some cases (see #146).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.1.8
[x] Fixed icons of buttons after last tab in Firefox 40+ (#180).
[x] Use correct URL to open private tab from Windows task bar in Firefox 42+ (see bug 1118285).
[x] Some compatibility fixes for multi-process mode (Electrolysis aka e10s) (#162).
[x] Fixed detection of externally opened tabs in Firefox 38+ (#184).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[+] Added highlighting for closed private tabs inside “Recently Closed Tabs” menu (#154).
[*] Now “Private Tab” checkbox (in tab context menu) works better for loading tabs (extensions.privateTab.toggleTabPrivateAutoReload.stopLoading preference).
[x] Fixed size of “New Private Tab” button after last tab, if there is many tabs and button was hidden at startup.
[x] Fixed compatibility with Firefox 38+ (#165).
[+] Added privateTab.hasClosedTabs and privateTab.forgetClosedTabs() API for other extensions.
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[*] Improved favicons support in private:… bookmarks (#147).
[*] Updated Vietnamese locale (vi), thanks to Leof36.
[x] Fixed “private” protocol in Firefox 20 and 21 (#150).
[*] Enlarged extension icon for Add-on Manager: now used 48×48px instead of 32×32px.
[x] Fixed detection of emty tabs in Firefox 33+ (non-empty tabs was wrongly detected as empty and becomes non-private) (#152).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Corrected label for “New Private Tab” button in Russian and French locales in Firefox 29+ (Australis): now used short variant due to small available length in new menu (#141).
[x] Corrected previous fix for appearance of hovered “New Private Tab” button after last tab in Firefox 29+ (Australis) (#138).
[+] Added Turkish locale (tr), thanks to alfapegasi.
[x] Correctly detect Super Start 7.0+ page as blank (#142).
[+] Added privateTab.tabLabelIsEmpty() API for other extensions (#143).
[x] Fixed: closed private tabs are wrongly cleared in private windows (#145).
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[x] Workaround to correctly update title bar in Firefox 29+ (Australis), also see bug 987929 (you can set browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar = false or extensions.privateTab.usePrivateWindowStyle = false as alternative and better workaround).
[x] Fixed width of clickable area for “New Private Tab” button after last tab in Firefox 29+ (Australis) (#137).
[x] Corrected appearance for “New Private Tab” button after last tab in Firefox 29+ (Australis) (#138).
[*] Improved “private” protocol: now works simple private: links, not only private:///#
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
[+] Added highlighting of private tabs in “List all tabs” menu (#113)
[x] Correctly ignore single char hotkeys (like just `V` or `Shift+V`) in WYSIWYG editors
[x] Correctly detect built-in private windows in SeaMonkey (#116)
[x] Correctly update download panel in Firefox 28.0a1+
[x] Correctly insert button into toolbar in Firefox 29+ (Australis) (#121)
[+] Added preferences to open user-defined URL in new empty private tabs (extensions.privateTab.newPrivateTabURL and extensions.privateTab.newPrivateTabURL.inPrivateWindow) (#125)
[+] Added ability to disable private window-like styles, if current tab is private (extensions.privateTab.usePrivateWindowStyle preference)
[+] Simplified ability to override private tabs/bookmarks styles from other themes/extensions (disabled by default, see extensions.privateTab.stylesHighPriority* preferences) (#127)
[+] Added 32×32px icon for Australis (used in menu panel and in customization area) (#128)
[x] Correctly don't save search bar history from private tabs (#129)
[*] Minor code improvements
[*] Updated Polish locale (pl), thanks to marcinsu
[*] Updated Hungarian locale (hu), thanks to evenorbert
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
+ Added “new private tab” item to task bar context menu (only Windows 7 and higher, extensions.privateTab.showItemInTaskBarJumpList preference) (#98)
+ Added context menu item to open multiple bookmarks/history items in private tabs (#99)
* Changed default hotkey for toggle private state of current tab from Ctrl+Alt+V to Ctr+Alt+T (set extensions.privateTab.key.toggleTabPrivate = “control alt VK_V” to restore old hotkey) (#105)
+ Added ability to inherit private state for new empty tabs and windows (set extensions.privateTab.makeNewEmptyTabsPrivate/extensions.privateTab.makeNewEmptyWindowsPrivate to -1) (#111)
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* Added ability to show buttons "New Private Tab" and "New Tab" after last tab (#92)
x Fixed: tabs, opened from another extensions, may be wrongly detected as externally opened (#93)
x Fixed: malformed private-protocol URLs reliably crash the browser (#94)
0.1.4 (2013-08-19)
x Fixed empty tabs tooltips on Firefox 25.0a1+ (#75)
+ Added ability to view source of private tabs (#74)
x Corrected "(private tab)" label in Tab Scope's popup (#78)
+ Added Indonesian (id) locale, thanks to Daisuke Bjm Project
+ Added Ukrainian (uk) locale, thanks to dbv92
+ Added Arabic (ar) locale, thanks to infinity
* Improved compatibility with extensions like Fast Dial (#84)
x Fixed incompatibility with Tile Tabs 10.0 (#83)
x Corrected for changes in Mozilla bug #885177 (#85)
* Preserve text in URL Bar after auto reloading (#86)
* Improved behavior after closing of private tabs (extensions.privateTab.rememberOwnerTab preference) (#87)
+ Implemented "private" protocol: now we can use special URLs to open private tabs from bookmarks or from command line (example: private:///#, may be disabled using extensions.privateTab.enablePrivateProtocol preference) (#89)
+ Added ability to show "New Private Tab" button after "New Tab" button (#90)
* Added ability to invert auto reload behavior (extensions.privateTab.toggleTabPrivateAutoReload preference) using middle-click (or left-click with any modifier)
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
x Fixed possible memory leak (only if someone use privateTab.readyToOpenTabs() without following privateTab.stopToOpenTabs())
x Fixed: small images from private tabs (displayed with favicons) are cached to disk (#56)
x Disabled thumbnails capturing from private tabs (#58)
+ Added extensions.privateTab.debug.verbose preference to log some additional debug information into Error Console
x Fixed conflict with NoSquint extension (#61)
* Small performance improvements
* Improved localizability of confirmation dialog in case of extension disabling or uninstalling
+ Added locales:
Catalan (ca), thanks to Dimas-sc
Hungarian (hu), thanks to evenorbert
Italian (it), thanks to moretti
Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt-BR), thanks to Ghelman
Serbian (sr), thanks to DakSrbija
Spanish (es), thanks to strel
* Updated locales:
Chinese (Simplified) (zh-CN), thanks to Cye3s
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-TW), thanks to ikurrina
Estonian (et), thanks to mdr-ksk
French (fr) from (yes, not complete)
German (de), thanks to sierkb
Greek (el), thanks to Grg68
Japanese (jp), thanks to charishi
Polish (pl), thanks to marcinsu
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* Corrected: don't inherit private state for new tabs and new windows, opened from external application (extensions.privateTab.allowOpenExternalLinksInPrivateTabs preference) (#42)
x Correctly detect new windows from JavaScript's with size parameters as not empty
x Correct appearance for selected private on Mac OS X (#44)
x Fixed: remove wrappers when window is closed to avoid memory leaks (#45, #46)
+ Added Estonian locale (et), thanks to mdr.ksk
x Fixed: hotkey isn't shown in File menu on Mac OS X #47
+ Added extensions.privateTab.keysHighPriority preference to handle key* event in the capturing (true) or bubbling (false) phase, see
* Corrected Chinese (Traditional) locale (zh-TW), thanks to ikurrina
+ Added ability to close all private tabs after extension will be disabled or uninstalled (#51)
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
+ Added Chinese (Simplified) locale (zh-CN), thanks to Cye3s
x Fixed memory leak on extension disabling (due to not deleted window.privateTab) (#33)
+ Added Vietnamese locale (vi), thanks to Leof36
+ Added German locale (de), thanks to sierkb
* Improved compatibility with extensions like Personal Menu (#35)
+ Detect Super Start page as blank
* Improved: now private tabs aren't saved in sessions (#36)
* Improved: show downloads from private tabs in not private window (#31)
* Better tooltip for private tabs on themes with dark tooltip background (#38)
+ Added Greek locale (el), thanks to Grg68
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* Correctly detect built-in private windows in latest SeaMonkey 2.19a1+ (2013-03-27+)
x Correctly restore window title in SeaMonkey on extension disabling
+ Added ability to open all new blank/empty tabs in private mode (experimental, preferences: extensions.privateTab.makeNewEmptyTabsPrivate, extensions.privateTab.makeNewEmptyWindowsPrivate) (#10)
+ Added Chinese (Traditional) locale (zh-TW), thanks to arbiger
+ Added Japanese locale (ja), thanks to charishi
x Workaround for browser.newtab.preload = true (#16)
x Correctly fix App button width: wait for third-party styles (#17)
x Fixed: toggle tab private hotkey works for wrong tab sometimes (#18)
* Allow setup multiple hotkeys for one command: extensions.privateTab.key.%command%#%alias_name% (#19)
x Fixed (hopefully): hotkeys doesn't work on non-Latin keyboard layouts (#19)
* Minor optimizations
- Code source disponible sous la licence Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
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