Historique de version de Dizionario italiano

12 versions

Méfiez-vous des anciennes versions !

Ces versions sont affichées pour informations et à titre d’essais. Vous devriez toujours utiliser la dernière version d’un module.

Version 5.1 365.0 KiB

Version 5.0.0 368.7 KiB

Version 4.0.0 363.8 KiB

Sync with latest version of the dictionary

Version 3.3.2 363.0 KiB

Updated internal dictionary, based on version 2012.02.25 (http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/node/5241)

Version 3.3.1 363.0 KiB

Aggiornati file del dizionario alla versione 3.3.1 (24/03/2011) realizzata dal progetto PLIO.

Updated dictionary files to version 3.3.1 (24/03/2011) created by project PLIO.

Version 3.3 364.0 KiB

Aggiornati file del dizionario alla versione 3.3 (21/09/2010) realizzata dal progetto PLIO.

Updated dictionary files to version 3.3 (09/21/2010) created by project PLIO.

Version 3.2 346.0 KiB

Updated install.rdf to make the dictionary compatible with the latest Firefox 4 nightlies (no changes in the dictionary itself).

Version 3.1 384.0 KiB

Updated the italian dictionary files (it-IT.aff and it-IT.dic)