Alberich Potter

À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom Alberich Potter
Pays England
Utilisateur depuis juil. 2, 2010
Nombre de modules développés 503 thèmes
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles
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Mes thèmes les plus populaires

Mes critiques

amor escrito

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I love writing too (assuming my translation is correct) but I would say this is more like a doodle. Nevertheless it makes for a good theme.

Fleur Vintage10

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Today's random selection, and quite attractive in its own way, but not really my cup of tea.

Like dandelion. .

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Attractive, non-intrusive abstract style design.

színes fonal

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Lovely, vibrant coloured wool.

Support Outlaws-1

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Good, simple theme and colour scheme. For my display set up the font size could do with being a point or two lower as the S of Support overlaps two of my toolbar icons, but it's not a major problem as I can still see them.

Firefox Kilates

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I really like the golden colour scheme, not so keen on the text. And I've no idea what Kilates means!

Germany Fahne

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I love the vibrant colours of the German flag, but my dilemma with this is whether to have sufficient rows of additional toolbars in order to get some of the yellow band on screen. In the end I decided not too, but that's just a personal choice which doesn't detract from the theme. Maybe you should have yellow as the footer instead of black?

Dont call Me Deejay

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More like "Don't call me full stop!" Sorry, but this is ghastly; garish colour scheme, oversized text and no bottom bar. Definitely not for me.

fukszia 01

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Not generally a great lover of flowers but i do like fuchsias.

Exo & Bts <3

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Purely black and white themes don't really work, at least not with my layout. The BTS logo clashes horribly with some of my icons and the text is all but obscured by my address bar

Kingdom Hearts Kairi and Xion

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Good, simple monochrome background. But just not keen on the fact that it needs 4 rows of additional blank toolbars to see all the faces; settled for only one, just to have the eyes.

batman shil

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Looks like Batman in a Victorian London pea-souper! And I don't get what that thing sticking out of his back is?. Needs one additional blank toolbar row to see the eye slits, which I'm never too happy about, but otherwise not a bad, subtle, non-intrusive theme.

Robots and Monsters

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Can't comment on the band, although I doubt that they are my cup of tea. Theme is OK apart from the white text of the band name, which is too bright and clashes with some of my icons, and needs 2 rows of additional blank toolbars to see, which is always a negative in my book.

peeta y katniss true love

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Generally poor quality images and requires too many additional rows of blank toolbars - two or three depending on how much of the chins you want to see!

Meadow - Jonh

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Pleasant and neutral enough but could do with a bit less sky and a bit more meadow to eliminate the need for additional rows of of blank toolbars.

Tema Boneca Jolie ''Isabela''

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Almost sickeningly cute and needs too many rows of additional blank toolbars to see all of the image. I made do without any and can see the girls heads but no the puppies and cats.

B.A.P 1004 (Angel)

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A Japanese boy band as today's Firefox theme - what have the Gods of Random Selection done to me? The shame of it! And then I compounded the error by actually adding the 2 rows of additional blank toolbars needed to see all of their faces - somebody shoot me now!


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Nice background. My only criticism is my perennial problem with so many Firefox themes - it needs too many rows of additional blank toolbars in order to see it properly - 3 in this case.

NEW Abstract 2

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Not overly keen on the colours of the Firefox image and needs 3 additional rows of toolbars to see it all.

Black Guitar Daze

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For a guitar theme with the word "Daze" in the title it's very dull; I was expecting Jimmy Page and his sunburst finish Gibson Les Paul Custom! But at least it doesn't require any additional rows of blank toolbars to see it properly, which is always worth an extra star in my book.