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Admittedly, I sometimes have over 100 tabs open and this extension is mandatory for finding my way among them in a quick, logical fashion.

I did recently note that it is listed as "Not compatible with multiprocess" setting in recent Firefox releases, which would seem a nice upgrade consideration by this author.

Cet utilisateur a une critique précédente de ce module.

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Works just fine on what it does, however would love an option to completely disable the tab bar while having it in use! Using seamonkey 2.49 and it does support hiding tab bar with only one tab open, but have not figured any way whatsoever to remove the whole tab bar when using alternative tab-systems like this.

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I definitely agree with others that this is an ESSENTIAL add-on for those who work with lots of tabs open.

blackbird commented that it doesn't indicate the current tab, but I find with Tabs Menu that the current tab is indeed highlighted (bold font).

With Firefox 49.0.2 it keeps getting disabled to to compatibility checking, so I had to install the also-excellent checkCompatibliity add-on to get Tabs Menu to operate (allowed to be enabled).

Perhaps the Tabs Menu developer (Mikel Ward) could update this add-on, but he seems to be missing in action (January 2017). From one Melbourne-raised Aussie to another, would you please update this excellent add-on of y Mikel?

Thanks for the kind words!

Should be updated now.

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Site fav icons do not show in menu, and current tab is not highlighted so you don't know what is what.

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Very useful, great when I have so many tabs open I can't find anything...

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Done, just what I needed... Works 100%

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I like it. It'd be nicer if you could rearrange tabs vertically. The existing horizontal rearranging of tabs on native Firefox only lets you see 9 tabs at a time and with shortened titles.

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very nice. Especially the buttons, which make it better than the version recently added to seamonkey.
But it would be it would be even better with a vertical scroll bar.
Génial. Particulièrement les boutons, qui le faire mieux que la version récemment ajouté à Seamonkey.
Il serait même mieux avec une barre à défiler verticalement.

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Useful add on. It would be nice if i could add tabs menu to the mouse menu. That way i could right click with mouse and move to any page i like. I'm using menu editor add on, but i can't achieve that.

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Very useful when selecting a tab from those currently available, but very awkward when wishing to close one or more -- each must be selected , opened on screen, then close individually. Much better to have the common close button at the end of the link title (I would prefer at the left end so the close buttons line up instead of having to mouse to the far right of each tab name -- or a [Ctrl]+LClick to select several tabs, then press [Delete] or RClick/Delete to close them).
Additionally, it would be nice to have the tabs displayed as a tree to show which are children of an earlier tab.
But, this is a nice add-on nonetheless.

Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles

Works well, but the "Opened tabs" button (from "Tab mix plus" extension I think) does the same afaik.

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This extension (which works even in SeaMonkey 2.8a1 if I override compatibility checking) allows me to jump easily and fast to any of my about 200 open tabs (at the moment), in conjunction with the following userChrome.css rules to remove the all-tabs button on the tab bar (where real estate is in high demand) and replace long menus' scrollbuttons by a scrollbar (so I can scroll them faster):

* hide all-tabs-button on tab bar in favour of Tabs Menu extension on menubar
* Gecko 2, 2010-12-29 and later
tabbrowser:not(#tabmail) .tabs-alltabs-button
{ display: none !important
* give the menus a scrollbar when they are too high to be
* displayed in full
menupopup scrollbox, #contentAreaContextMenu scrollbox
{ overflow-y: auto !important
* eliminate scroll buttons at top and bottom of the menus
menupopup autorepeatbutton, #contentAreaContextMenu autorepeatbutton
{ display: none !important

I love it.

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This Add-On is not that useful in its current state -- not to me anyways -- as it is missing an important feature: the ability to close individual/multiple tabs through the menu. If this was implemented I'm quite sure I would use this Add-On on a daily basis.

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This is one of several add-ons that will not install on Firefox 3.6.10, but that will be grandfathered in. Bizarre.

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Wow! This really solves the problem of scrolling through the too many tabs that I normally have open and finding what I want FAST. Simple and works perfectly.

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wow i didn't expect it to work with mac! fantastic!

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This is a PERFECT tool for me. It does exactly what I want and works with version 3.5.7! (woo hoo) Thanks! I'm adding it to multiple computers...

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Хорошо бы
1) появление меню при навидении курсора
2) в меню предусмотреть закрытие вкладки правой кнопкой
3) возможность добавление кнопки на панель инструментов из настроек.

It would be nice
1) the appearance of the menu when the cursor navidenii
2) in the menu include closing the tab, right -
3) the ability to add buttons to the toolbar of the settings.

idea super!!!

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

Хорошо бы
1) появление меню при навидении курсора
2) в меню предусмотреть закрытие вкладки правой кнопкой
3) возможность добавление кнопки на панель инструментов из настроек.

It would be nice
1) the appearance of the menu when the cursor navidenii
2) in the menu include closing the tab, right -
3) the ability to add buttons to the toolbar of the settings.

idea super!!!

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err... This is already available at the right side of the tab bar. A window menu which lists the tabs of all windows would be of more use. For now, I won't install this, as it would be just added junk.