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Its great, it would be great if it had a different favicon.


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works for thunderbird too... thank you very much

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Would be nice if it didn't replace the search bar. Have to use the drop down arrow to use regular google search now. But it saves a lot of typing i.e. click in search bar, type translate, click google translate in the search results, select language option, paste text THEN translate! With this it's just past and click and your done!

Other option would be to install the google toolbar, but I don't like using their bloated toolbar.

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It's great, I just wish it had a different favicon so that I could easy differentiate it from the regular google search.

I can do it, but needs a source of favicon, which you want to see in plugin.

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It's great, I just wish it had a different favicon so that I could easily differentiate between it and the regular google search.

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Клевое дополнение, спасибо Димон ;)

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Crap, I'm an idiot. It's a taskbar search engine, I thought it was something totally different and thought at first it was spam or a malware.

SOOO sorry to the guy who made this. It works fine. I'm just a retard. I hope there's a way to remove my 3 star, its a 5.

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Sorry, this add-on works great.