Arvosteltu: 1/5 tähteä

It don't work anymore with 6.0 :-(

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Thanks a lot for saving this great plugin!
Could you maybe please enhance it such that it takes the repy-to address instead of the from address (as the original plugin did)? This would be super-duper-hyper helpful!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2). 

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

Works! Was a pain finding a solution so grateful to have found this!

Check out the limited instructions. Note that you select the emails to which you want to reply in one window then press the RepSel button to collect the email addresses. Then you create your reply in a new Compose window. Then — *without selecting the BCC field* — click the RepSel button and the extension will insert the target email addresses into BCC.

Obviously I clicked the BCC field first and thought the RepSel extension wasn't working. But when I clicked elsewhere, the extension populated BCC as documented.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1).