
Tietoja minusta

Nimi RobinzMelodee
Sijainti Mountains of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Ammatti Computer Gamer
Käyttäjä alkaen tammi 8, 2011
Kehitettyjä lisäosia 0 lisäosaa
Average rating of developer's add-ons Ei vielä pisteytetty

Hieman lisätietoja...

Wise from the schools of education and experiences, I am quick to love & slow to judge. The ever changing events in our lives I refer to as adventures & try to to learn from each one which I believe brings a strength & a positive outlook of hope. I am guilty of having a sense of humor in most all situations and believe that without it the world would not survive [my world wouldn't for sure!]. I believe all the good, & not-so-good events of my life have worked together making me who I am today: a vibrant, kind, generous, forgiving, LOVING woman who claims no perfection, but know I am a work in progress! I believe my encounters with people are for a reason, a season, or sometimes a lifetime, & I accept, appreciate, & learn from each & every one. .
INTERESTS: Computers, games & technology, Movies, Love, Giving, Friends, FAMILY, Foreign Languages, ie French & Spanish, the Romance languages are my favorites and the Romance with it! A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!
THINGS I LIKE: Rainy Days, Fireplaces, Summer, Computers, Movies, Mountains, rivers, oceans, and all the Wonders of my Country, the USA; France from Paris to Marseille; Spain; Portugal... Canada and of course my 3 faves of all time...
...Forgiving, Loving, Laughing...

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