
Niri buruz

Garatzailearen informazioa
Izena sfeu_
Erabiltzaile noiztik urt. 1, 2018
Garatutako gehigarrien kopurua Gehigarri bat
Average rating of developer's add-ons Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Nik sortutako gehigarriak

tb_email_grabber Requires Restart

Very basic extension that exports all sender of mails in one folder into a CSV, which includes their fullname and email. The extension adds an option to the folder view context menu. Please select the folder to export before starting the export.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (5)
8 erabiltzaile

Nire berrikuspenak

Gehigarrien berrikuspenik ez oraindik.