Woordenboek Nederlands bertsioaren historia

16 bertsio

Argi ibili bertsio zaharrekin!

Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti.

4.20.19 bertsioa 750.7 KiB bertsioa 787.5 KiB

3.1.3 bertsioa 729.5 KiB

3.1.2 bertsioa 730.1 KiB

3.1.1 bertsioa 729.9 KiB

3.1.0 bertsioa 729.0 KiB

3.0.1 bertsioa 570.0 KiB

3.0.0 bertsioa 569.0 KiB

New Dutch spellchecker with support for wordcompositions, based on the wordslist 2.0.0G from OpenTaal.

2.2.0 bertsioa 975.0 KiB

New Dutch dictionary, based on the OpenTaal dictionary 1.10G.
This new dictionary contains about 32.000 extra words and has approx. 400 corrections.

2.1.1 bertsioa 946.0 KiB

2.1.0 bertsioa 946.0 KiB

2.0.0 bertsioa 954.0 KiB

1.0.5 bertsioa 729.0 KiB

Resolved a problem with Firefox not able to upgrade in

1.0.4 bertsioa 729.0 KiB

Upgrade to Firefox 3.0a1, added Seamonkey and some minor textual changes.

1.0.3 bertsioa 729.0 KiB

1.0.3 updated with the latest dictionary
1.0.2 upgraded for Firefox 2.0
1.0.1 added licenses
1.0 first release

1.0.1 bertsioa 502.0 KiB