Berrikuspenak Rethread gehigarriarentzat
5 berrikuspen gehigarri honentzat
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
The difficulty is that this answers the wrong problem. The real problem is that some users send you mail in answer to a thread but it doesn't have the Message-ID in the References, so despite the Re: in the Subject line, it appears as a new thread. What is needed is a way to force such messages back into the *existing* thread that they ought to belong to, *preserving* the OP's original Message-ID. This add-on fails on both counts: it creates a new thread instead of preserving the original one, and it trashes the original Message-ID so that any more messages arriving won't have a thread to attach to.
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Doesn't work for me. Selecting a bunch of messages to be rethreaded that some clown had thread-hijacked and then choosing "Rethread" only causes every message to become an immediate reply to the "root" message of the original thread regardless of the cascaded level. i.e., This:
->->->HT (OML3)
->->->->HTL1 (OML4)
->->->->->HTL2 (OML5)
->->->->->->HTL3 (OML6)
becomes this after selecting HT, HTL1, HTL2 and HTL3:
->HT (OML1)
->HTL1 (OML1)
->HTL2 (OML1)
->HTL3 (OML1)
instead of this:
as one would expect. (OM = Orig Msg; OMLx = Orig Msg Level x; HT = Hijacking Topic; HTLx = Hijacking Topic Level x). If only this could be fixed, this would be the greatest add-on since sliced bread.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
I haven't tried this extension yet, at the moment I'm using Header Tools Lite to set the References-header manually.
In the description of that extension I found this:
Some IMAP servers, such as Gmail, do not accept changes if some basic headers (date, sender, the message id, object) are not modified . With the option “Forcing changes with IMAP accounts enabled“, the changes are forced by changing the date of the message of 1 second.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Sounds great. But it is not working for me.
When I am selecting few messages and pickup option "rethread" last selected email is duplicated and nothing more.
Anybody else with similar issue?
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Extra points for multiselect ;)
For mouse/keyboard dnd, perhaps TotalMessage may be of interest. Original references are stored and a backup is made to Trash if desired.
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