QuickFilterPlus bertsioaren historia

2 bertsio

Argi ibili bertsio zaharrekin!

Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti.

1.0.9 bertsioa 91.8 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

- edit filters by right-click on the quickfilterbar
- expertsearch allows any combination of Thunderbirds searchterms
- quicklie edit Filter as searchterm or by menu
- changing the icons of the toolbarbuttons
- Enter filterphrase into quickfiltertextfield allowed

1.0.2 bertsioa 74.6 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 24.0 - 31.*

Added Fields Text search