OutlookAlike BETA bertsioaren historia

8 bertsio

Argi ibili bertsio zaharrekin!

Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti. bertsioa 154.5 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 45.*

* fixed resizing bug. If a long link was hovered in version the main window of thunderbrird resized itself to be able to show the full link. This behavior has been removed. bertsioa 154.5 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

* fixed some (or most) issues with the statursbar
* the Addon "ThreadVis" now works, even if OutlookAlike is installed (and active) bertsioa 154.3 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

Added Portugues do Brasil as new language bertsioa 149.3 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

* Updated slovak translation bertsioa 149.2 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

* Added a new GUI improvement for the "Writing" Dialog
* English is now the default language
* 4 new languages: French, Slovak, Russian and Czech
* little bug fixes here and there

Known Bug:
The font-size box does not allways show the right size. bertsioa 92.9 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.* bertsioa 84.9 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 20.* bertsioa 82.1 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 17.0 - 19.*