G-Hub Lite bertsioaren historia

4 bertsio

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Bertsio hauek erreferentzia gisa eta probetarako bistaratzen dira. Gehigarrien azken bertsioa erabili behar zenuke beti.

7.1.0 bertsioa 61.3 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 and later

G-Hub Pro users love the new drop-down menu so much I've brought it to the lite version. If you prefer using the Launcher tab, you can still use it by choosing it in the drop-down menu. I've also optimized the add-on to reduce file size.
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7.0.1 bertsioa 167.4 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 68.0a1 and later

G-Hub Lite has been updated to work with TB 68+

Due to changes with how TB 68 extensions work, Google Tabs are now opened via G-Hub Lite launcher tab. Please add & click on the G-Hub Lite toolbar button to launch new tabs.
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6.0.0 bertsioa 57.3 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 57.0 - 65.0

Updated for compatibility with Thunderbird 57-60.
Removed some services from Lite version.

5.0.0 bertsioa 132.5 KiB Honekin dabil Thunderbird 3.0 - 56.*

Updated compatibility for Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Picasa.
Added support for Google Photos and Google Hangouts.
Code efficiency updates.