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Información del desarrollador
Nombre brucemc
Usuario desde Mar. 5, 2007
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

Remove Duplicate Messages

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

After 15 years of accumulation and imports from Outlook Express to Eudora to Thunderbird, I only had roughly 15,000 duplicates. Is that good?

THis extension did an excellent job of sorting, offering options, and blowing them away. It gave me total control over each step of the process and did the job. The only things I did thereafter were to empty and compress the trash folder, but this is a good safety net if someone has second thoughts after initiating the delete for some reason. About the only item that might use clarification is naming the darned download file to what the extension is, as presently it is something rather cryptic.

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (0.1.06). 


Puntuado con 3 de 5 estrellas

Please, please, please make work for! I also am an ex-Eudora user and found this function to be very important!!! Send Later looked attractive to me, but then, as it does not work, it kind of lost it's appeal...