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CerrarHistorial de versiones de Color Transform
4 versiones
¡Ten cuidado con las versiones antiguas!
Estas versiones se muestran con propósitos de referencia y pruebas. Debes usar siempre la última versión de un complemento.
Versión 6.4
- Código fuente publicado bajo Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
Versión 6.3
FEATURE: The PaleMoon and SeaMonkey applications are now supported.
FEATURE: The toolbar button now also gets appended to the ThunderBird application.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
Versión 6.2
FIX: The panel content scroll buttons are now always displayed when sizing down by making use of the resize event.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
Versión 6.0
FEATURE: White-listing and black-listing may now be used to include/exclude domains from automatic transformation.
FEATURE: 8 new themes were added and all themes were strongly improved to provide better contrast.
FEATURE: A few context menu items were added for showing the panel.
FEATURE: Background images are now hidden during transformation in all cases.
FEATURE: A faster transform is now used for transformation to constant hue.
FEATURE: A background-image in a style rule is now transformed only when its selector matches at least once on the page.
FIX: On uninstall, extension preferences are correctly deleted again.
FIX: Start-up is now more reliable, for example when quickly opening multiple windows or when the toolbar button is hidden.
FIX: Initialization of the page background-color is now correct for all combinations of background-color/image on body/html.
FIX: The element selector was made more robust by setting a high z-index on the top element as well.
FIX: The element selector no more fails when clicking outside of the body element.
FIX: The panel background was made transparent to prevent a paint bug with 100% CPU upon resize.
FIX: The panel content is now created only when the panel is actually shown.
FIX: The image-to-canvas preference is now simply neglected when using element selection.
FIX: Missing localized strings are now always replaced by English strings.
FIX: Some layout issues with the Walnut and Nautipolis themes were fixed.
FIX: Positioning of the element selector in iframes is now correct for scroll events.
FIX: The line width of the element selector is now independent of the zoom factor.
FIX: The element selector now jumps out of iframes on right-click.
FIX: The option for reduced opacity of images was replaced by one for darkening to prevent shine-through.
FIX: CSS color names in upper case are now also transformed.
FIX: The default CSS variables which are used on about: pages are now replaced by hardcoded color values.
FIX: The page is no more reloaded when applying a theme to a selected element.
FIX: Several colorizer bugs on "about:" pages were fixed.
FIX: Attributes background, bordercolor & color are now translated to CSS on td, table & hr, respectively.
FIX: Determination of the inherited text color no more fails on a selected element.
FIX: The outdated extension preferences branch is now removed directly after upgrading.
FIX: The new color 'rebeccapurple' was added to the list of named colors.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
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