Search Results for "delete"

Delete Trash Button Requires Restart

Adds an Empty Deleted button to the Toolbar

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (10)
14 weekly downloads


Change taskview styles.
Use justify button to read long sentences.
Executed well.

If coupling with TaskDescriptions, it is good enough!

To Hyun-geol who I like.

Not yet rated
0 weekly downloads

Monterail Full Dark 2 for TB>68

Monterail Full Dark, a Thunderbird theme inspired by the mockup of Monterail

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (30)
0 weekly downloads


Append today subpane to left top or append logo or clock to left bottm.

send a gift to a friend Eunjo.

Updated as of 2021-03-31.
Updated as of 2021-08-04 for Thunderbird version 90s.

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0 weekly downloads

Monterail Dark 2 for TB>68

Monterail Dark, a Thunderbird theme inspired by the mockup of Monterail

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (15)
0 weekly downloads

Message List Preview

*Show a message preview in the subject field of the message list.
*Enlarge the subject column to display more text of the preview.
*Hover over subject to see even more preview in a tooltip.
*'Stripe' display of message list for clearer view.

Not yet rated
0 weekly downloads


Quickly Open Web Links using custom context menu with selected text as input

QuickOWL saves one's time in copying text from email and pasting in browser page to do some action or searching.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
0 weekly downloads

Colored Folders Requires Restart

Add colors to your folders in Thunderbird!
Must-have for better organisation + intuitive and speedy workfow...

This is project "Color Folders" (originally by Fisheater), corrected, resurrected, restaurated, extended and republished.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (151)
0 weekly downloads


Adds a column to the Thunderbird message list to always display the true attachment count. An icon is shown for single attachments or all attachments deleted/detached. Tooltip preview of single attachment content and summary for multiple attachments.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
0 weekly downloads


Move tabs in status bar and iconify menu bar.

This add-on researches new tabs' position and menubar iconification.
This add-on is as role as if task bar of Windows.

To Hyun-geol who I like.

Life in Holy Spirit.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (2)
0 weekly downloads