Rated 5 out of 5 stars

someone know addon like this?

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Odilatinam solved thet :D


Odilatinam wrote:Fixed it by changing the following


_xpath: function(aNode, aExpression, aType)
var results = null;
try {
// Evaluate the XPath expression
//var xpathEvaluator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/dom/xpath-evaluator;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathEvaluator);
//results = xpathEvaluator.evaluate(aExpression, aNode, null, aType, null);
var aDoc = aNode.ownerDocument ? aNode.ownerDocument : aNode;
results = aDoc.evaluate(aExpression, aNode, null, aType, null);

} catch(e) {}
return results;

commented out the two existing lines and added ownerDocument code. If you had tried to mess with adding accounts back in, then look in your (profile directory)/gmanager/prefs.bak and hopefully it still has your old settings, if you only tried to add accounts back in once.

To edit the extension:

Go to your Firefox profile directory
Go to the extensions directory
Gmail Manager is [email protected]
(if it is an xpi, then you need to copy it, rename to zip, unpack, do the change, rezip, rename; if it is a directory, you can just do the changes directly)
