
Account Colors Necesita reiniciarse

Associates user-defined colors with POP3/IMAP accounts and identities. Applies these colors to accounts, identities, folders, message list, message headers and compose headers. Users will always know which accounts/identities they are working with.

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Sensitivity Header Necesita reiniciarse

Implement the "Sensitivity" header for outgoing messages (described in RFC 4021 section 2.1.55).
This allows the user to select Private / Personal / Company-Confidential (or none) for an outgoing message.
No longer maintained: See below.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas (2)
49 usuarios

X-Original-To Column

This addon adds a new column called X-Original-To in the message list which shows the original recipient address of the message (the contents of the X-Original-To header). This can be useful for systems with catch-all email addresses.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas (1)
2 usuarios