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CerrarHistorial de versiones de Metal Lion Sea Monkey
18 versiones
¡Ten cuidado con las versiones antiguas!
Estas versiones se muestran con propósitos de referencia y pruebas. Debes usar siempre la última versión de un complemento.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#1. T/Bird toolbar buttons size fix.
#2. Remove OS text shadow in T/Bird Compose window and Address Book fix.
#3. T/Bird menu buttons jumping on active state fix.
#4. Toolbar heights adjusted for T/Bird and SM E mail client.
#5. T/Bird Correspond arrow fix.
#6. Lightning splitter position fix.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#1. Radio and Check buttons fix for T/Bird 58.
#2. Disabled radio/check text too light fix.
#3. Move search/url history dropmarker fix.
#4. Theme and Locale icons not showing in Addons Manager fix.
#5. Close tab buttons fix for T/Bird 58.
#6. Toolbarbutton menu dropmarker fix to allow different OS styling of different T/Bird versions and theme styling on SeaMonkey versions.
#7. Focused buttons on T/Bird with Linux OS fix.
#8. Styling of Notification Bar changed.
#9. Default download alert reduced in size.
#10. T/Bird text link too light fix.
#11. T/Bird Save button on Linux OS fix.
#12. Fully styled checkboxes now on menuitem boxes.
#14. Loading background for when extensions, etc are installed is now themed.
#15. T/Bird .menulist-dropmarker fix.
#16. Heavy T/Bird tab recode so that post 57 T/Bird 'slab' tabs appear and behave just as the Australis curved type T/Bird 56 and earlier tabs are styled in these themes. The Metal Lion tab styling is now consistent across all versions of T/Bird and SeaMonkey.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Category icons in Addons Manager Fix.
#3. Lightning 'Today Panel' Fix.
#4. Lightning fixes for dark theme.
#5. Close button fix.
#6. Various very minor fixes.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Better hover on button text fix.
#3. Improved Toolbar heights fix.
#4. Toolbar button fixes for Linux T/bird 45 users.
#5. T/bird Correspondent arrow fix.
#6. Overflow on T/bird 45 Write menu fix.
#7. T/bird Linux 45 Dropmarker Fix
#8. T/bird Next Unread fix.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Minor Addons Manager category icon fix.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Support for Compact Headers extension fix.
#3. Support for Speed Dial extension fix.
#4. Minor adjustments.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Findbar closebutton fix.
#3. New Sidebar close button
#4. New toolbar button coding for extensions added.
#5. Menulist dropmarker fix.
#6. More searchboxes restyled.
#7. SeaMonkey Email splitters and grippies restyled.
#8. Treecolpicker now styled.
#9. Sidebar view button fix.-
#10. More minor windows styled.
#11. Calender menulist bug in Thunderbird Customise Window fixed.
#12. SeaMonkey sidebar styled when loading content.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Thunderbird reply to message text colour fixes.
#3. Searchbox new restyle.
#4. Text colour coding fix.
#5. Colourpicker fix.
#6. Various minor buttons now have hover effects fix.
#7. 'Under the hood' toolbarbutton coding fix.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. More minor dialog windows styled.
#3. Complete new restyle of toolbarseparators.
#4. Fixes for Quick Folders extension.
#5. Complete new restyle of Find Bar.
#6. Minor restyle of checkbox and radio buttons on hover.
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- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Code support for the SeaFox extension's Combined Back/Forward feature.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
#2. Fixed Printer icon in Customise window bug.
#3. Improved hover/selected effects in awesome bar dropdown.
#4. Added searchbar 'search engine available' notification symbol.
#5. Added greyscale filter method to be used in future versions.
#6. E Mail toolbar buttons now styled - this has increased the file size, but now looks right.
#7. Component Bar toolbar button icons styled.
#8. Various minor bug fixes.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia personalizada
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