Anzeige und Personalisierung


Move Folder (context-menu)

Adds the "Move to" menu entry to the folders panel context menu, allowing to move a Local folder (and its content) to another.
This feature is similar to the native one within message(s) context menu ("Move To"), but it applies to the folder tree.

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Erweiterung für Lightning: Ermöglicht die Formatierung von Aufgabenbeschreibungen mittels Markdown und der Anzeige als HTML in den Aufgabendetails.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen (3)
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Topic Tree / Notebook in TB

* A place to keep notes and ideas
* Notes can be styled with images, tables, links, mindmaps etc.
* Full text search
* Copy and paste text/html
* Drag text/html into tree to create new note
* Backup
* Print notes
* Notes for emails: XNote++

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen (5)
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Enhanced Date Formatter Benötigt Neustart

Configure the 'Date' and 'Received' columns and displayed date in the message pane using custom formats. You can even use different date formats for emails with today's date, yesterday's date, dates in the last week, or dates older than a week.

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen (12)
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