Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Nice extension, but in FF4 has an issue:
initially, the page appears on a couple of seconds, then cleaned and left empty :(
If you disable this extension, everything works as expected.

Exactly the same problem occurs in FF4 with Linkification add-on in Thorough mode.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

This is a essential extention to reduse screenwide.

Now only automaticly reducing the wide picture size.

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

This add-on broke a couple of sites with google maps. It prevented data being displayed on the maps. Disabling the add-on made the maps work again.

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

Your extension seems to be in conflict with's CSS layout. Whenever Link Wrapper is enabled, all the Digg comments text would look smaller and cramp with the avatar pictures, making them unreadable. Has it only occurred to me?

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

Your extension seems to be in conflict with's CSS layout. Whenever Link Wrapper is enabled, all the Digg comments text would look smaller and cramp with the avatar pictures, making them unreadable. Has it only occurred to me?

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

This site does not wrap:

Anyone know why? Other sites seem to wrap fine.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.2.1) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

Doesn't handle the main application I wanted: code examples in discussion forums. I don't need broader automatic wrapping, but would love it if I had an option to right-click on any block element and force it to wrap--even if it was using pre, code, or &nbsp.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.2.1) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Tried changing the settings for view_source.wrap_long_lines with no success, thankfully MR Tech Link Wrapper 2.2 was able to accomplish what I needed.

One has to ask though, why is it that this add-on is even needed??? Firefox should be written such that it functions the way it does with this add-on without this add-on.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.2) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

At last I don't have to scroll to read those text files friends post in Yahoo! files. What a royal pain that was.

MR Tech Link Wrapper does a great job with that.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.2) abgegeben.