Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

Although the plugin works, it's definitely no substitute for the good old Web Clipper for Thunderbird that Evernote unceremoniously stopped supporting/updating last year. I miss that so much, all of the workarounds, including this one, are so clunky. In addition, I find that every time Evernote Tab opens in Thunderbird, it hogs all my resources and slows my computer (a relatively new Windows 7 notebook with plenty of oomph for everything else) down to a crawl. Very annoying, and it's faster to just copy, open Evernote Desktop, and paste! Not sure if I'll keep this installed, as due to the resource hogging problem, it may be more trouble to use than convenience.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (0.1.14) abgegeben.