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SeaTab-X-2 0.3.3 Benötigt Neustart
von patrickjdempsey
Adds Firefox-style tab closers into SeaMonkey.
Über dieses Add-on
0 = Display a close button on the active tab only
1 = Display close buttons on all tabs
2 = Don’t display any close buttons
3 = Display a single close button at the end of the tab strip (SeaMonkey Default)
^ SeaTab-X-2 will ignore this setting and act like it is set to 1
4 = Display close button on active tab and on hover (my personal favorite)
To move the New Tab button to the right side of the tab strip, you can use this userChrome hack:
.tabs-stack vbox hbox stack { -moz-box-ordinal-group:10!important; }
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