Weitere Themes zu Film und Fernsehen

Delena Prevails

von UpsyDaisy

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Papyrus clair

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von antislash

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Could have been great and warranted a 5-star rating but for one major annoyance that is prevalent on so many themes - the image of Van Cleef is cropped off above the nostrils when using only 4 rows of toolbars. Why are so many of these themes designed whereby you need to have 5, 6 or more rows of toolbars to see the full image? I want to look at the content of the sites I am visiting, not have a huge chunk of my screen taken up by useless empty space on toolbars that I don't need or want! Aaaaargh!!!

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen von Alberich Potter am Dez. 16, 2016

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