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SchließenVersionsgeschichte von AMO Browsing für SeaMonkey
6 Versionen
Seien Sie vorsichtig mit alten Versionen!
Diese Versionen werden zu Referenz- und Testzwecken angezeigt. Sie sollten immer die letzte Version eines Add-ons verwenden.
Version 0.10.0
Instead of an install button, add-on details pages now have a button (or link) that reads "View Version History." This link takes you to a new page, which lists the most recent versions of an add-on, and offers install, convert, and/or download buttons when appropriate. For example, for a Firefox extension, you can use this page to check whether older, non-WebExtensions versions exist, and try to install them.
The extension also includes its own alternate search page; click the link labeled "use the AMO Browsing extension to search" under AMO's search box. This type of search includes Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey extensions. (You can also keep using the search page on AMO if you prefer.)
- Quelltext veröffentlicht unter Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
* Don't offer to install the German language pack unless the version number lines up (same as with Lightning).
* Don't hide install buttons on versions page when JavaScript is turned off.
* Firefox add-on version history page: Non-WebExtensions versions should have the Get Firefox button properly replaced with a converter link.
* Added support for addons.thunderbird.net.
There are still known issues with the version history page. These will be resolved in version 0.10.0, which will have its own version of this page.
- Quelltext veröffentlicht unter Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
- Quelltext veröffentlicht unter Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
Version 0.9.15
a SeaMonkey version issue. So compatibility range extended to 2.55
2017-02-13 s tested with SM 2.51a, installs and works fine
2016-12-05 s tested with SM 2.50, installs fine
- 2016-07-26: Is tested with SM 2.47 -- Bd
- make all download links on versions pages available and also in the versions section of the main add-on page (like on Ghostery add-on page)
- performance: prevent mutation observers from firing on pages other than AMO
- Quelltext veröffentlicht unter Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
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