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Navn Fixxxer®
Bruger siden nov. 5, 2008
Antal udviklede tilføjelser 0 tilføjelser
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Mine anmeldelser

Display Mail User Agent T

Bedømmelse: 2 ud af 5 stjerner

TB 115: the addon is enabled, but does not show any information at all.

User Agent Switcher

Bedømmelse: 3 ud af 5 stjerner

This addon works, but I remove one star because it is not possible to set default agent - I have to switch it every time I restart the browser, This is really annoying. Another star is removed because author knows about this problem for a long time - and do nothing. At least - add the option to load default agent automatically at start.

Fire IE (FireIE, Enhanced IE)

Bedømmelse: 2 ud af 5 stjerner

Doesn't load dll. Neither patch nor adding plugin.load_flash_only helps. I suspect the patch should be updated.

Custom Buttons

Bedømmelse: 3 ud af 5 stjerner

All my buttons stops working after Firefox update to 51.0 (x64 version).

Объединённый словарь русской орфографии

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

К сожалению, этот великолепный словарь не работает в Thunderbird. Большая просьба создать дополнение и к почтовику. Спасибо!

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (1.0.1). 


Bedømmelse: 2 ud af 5 stjerner

This addon tries to scan every link and attachment in all e-mails. Taking into account public key restrictions and the number of e-mails I am receiving - it is completely useless. And the author didn't give a chance to tweak a policy of sucj scanning.

Extension List Dumper

Bedømmelse: 1 ud af 5 stjerner

This addon doesn't work at FF 38.0.5 - it simply creates an empty file.


Bedømmelse: 4 ud af 5 stjerner

It's an excellent addon.

As for new 1.0.0b7 (RequestPolicy Continued).

There was a good feature in latest stable build with import/export custom rules in text file. Looks like it is completely broken now - I cannot export anything form My Policy page. It is a pity, because it was a good feature for syncing policies at different systems. By the way it could be developed in true syncing - like a button, that means "Import and then Export" or even automatic syncing using some path (path could be to Dropbox folder for instance).

Maybe you can revert it back?