Bill Norton

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Navn Bill Norton
Bruger siden nov. 1, 2007
Antal udviklede tilføjelser 0 tilføjelser
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Mine anmeldelser


Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

I use it all the time. I took a really hard look at the tool before writing this review to see if I had any suggestions, but even the limitations I thought were there are in fact dealt with.

Great tool; great interface.

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen ( 

FlashGot Mass Downloader

Bedømmelse: 2 ud af 5 stjerner

Installed it; worked with it for a while; uninstalled it.
- Too hard to work with;
- No clearly focused purpose;
- Too much bloat.

Here's a not to all extension developers. Have a clearly defined purpose for your tool - one that you can stated with a single short sentence, and design with that in mind.

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (