Versionshistorik for Leopard Mail-Default-Aqua

6 versioner

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Version 3.2.6 1.2 MiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0b4pre - 3.2a1pre

----version 3.2.6 Update July 28, 2010----
- bug fix for "get mail button etc...."(dropmarker)
- bug fix for TB3.0 "search box."(dropdown)
- bug fix for calendar view "alarm icons"
- bug fix for "tab colo"r of MacOS X
- add supported "Cert Viewer Plus" of extensions
- add supported "Xpunge" of extensions

Version 3.2.5 1.2 MiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0b4pre - 3.2a1pre

----version 3.2.5 Update July 5, 2010----
- add supported 3.1 (3.2a1pre bug).
- add supported "Show InOut" of extensions.
- add supported "Mail Redirect" of extensions.
- add supported "Google Calendar Tab" of extensions.
- add supported "AddressBook In Mode ToolBar" of extensions.
- add supported "xnote" of extensions.
- add supported "Contacts Sidebar" of extensions.
- change of the messageHeader of heart icon & design (iLeopard Themes).
- change of the messengercompose window design.
- change of the default button (pulsed).

Version 3.2.4 1.0 MiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0pre - 3.1a1pre

----version 3.2.4 Update January 19, 2009----
I gave up joint ownership with version 2.0.....

- Titlebar and toolbar became one body.
- movement of twisty. (open, close)
( MacOS X 10.5-, TB3.0pre- only....)

- Thunderbird: 3.0pre - 3.1a1pre
- original Real progressmeter. Thanks! My best friend!! *SmilingCamel.
- change of the tab design.
- change of the alert window design.
- change of the accountcentral window design.
- changed of the editContactPanel design.
- added tool bar, the inactive color of other parts.
- Small bug fix.
- add supported "Compact Header" of extensions.
- add supported "GMail Conversation View" of extensions.
- add supported "tbNotes" of extensions.
- add supported "New Tab Button" of extensions.
- add supported "ThunderBrowse" of extensions.(Small bug fix)

Version 3.1.4 1006.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

----version 3.1.4 Update July 21, 2009----
- change of the Consolewindow design.
- change of the toolber image.
- Change of the menulist image of "unifinder searchBox" of Lightning.
- bug fix for Lightning of the calbox.

Version 3.1.3 986.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

----version 3.1.3 Update June 22, 2009----
- The customization of the threadpane tagcolor.
- add supported "Signature Switch" of extensions.

Version 3.1.1 965.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

----version 3.1.1 Update May 17, 2009----
- The revision of the tab image.
- Change of the outbox icon of the "folder pane"(A former icon)
- Change of the menulist image of "unifinder searchBox" of Lightning.