Versionshistorik for Duplicate Contact Manager

13 versioner

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Disse versioner vises som reference og til testformål. Du bør altid bruge den seneste version af en tilføjelse.

Version 0.9.2 47.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 31.*

Bugfixes and layout improvements.

Version 0.9.1 47.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 15.*

Correction of bug (Including a crash if it took too long) and code cleanup.

Version 0.8.2 43.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 12.*

Added some missing translations.

Version 0.8.1 43.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 10.*

The UI now correctly show the selected contact when a new possible duplicate is found.

Version 0.8 50.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 8.*

Added compatibility with thunderbird 7.
Added an option to delete exact duplicate without asking the user.

Version 0.7.3 43.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 6.*

Corrected many run-time errors.
Corrected all warning.

Version 0.7.1 44.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.1.*

Compatible with Thunderbird version 3.*.
Faster search.

Version 0.6 37.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

Bugfix release

Version 0.5 38.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

New french translation (fr-FR)

Version 0.4 35.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

Minor changes:
- changed information in about dialogue and in exit screen to point to new mailing list and development site

Version 0.3 34.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

Tested with Thunderbird

Version 0.2 34.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

The new version allows to search arbitrary address books, NOT only the default "Personal Address Book".

Exact duplicates aren't deleted automatically any more, since this has confused quite a few users. This will be optional in future versions.

Still doesn't handle address books with more than 1000 entries.

Version 0.1 39.0 KiB Virker med Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.*

This is the first release which is ment to be for Beta testing only.